Desinformation INGE

Stopping foreign interference in the EU

27. Januar 2022

After 18 months of inquiry, the European Parliament’s Special Committee on Foreign Interference (INGE) adopted its final recommendations. The adopted document introduces measures and sanctions against the foreign actors who interfere into the EU with malign intent.

Member of the European Parliament and Shadow Rapporteur for the INGE Committee from the Greens/EFA group – Viola von Cramon-Taubadel – commented on the issue:

The European Union, its citizens, and democracy are constantly under attack through disinformation and interference by foreign actors. The problem is so vast that it affects every aspect of social life: from fake news on online platforms, to elite capture, to control of critical infrastructure and more.

After almost two years of hard work, countless hearings with the best experts, and long negotiations, we agreed a voted a very effective report. I am proud to be the Greens/EFA group’s rapporteur and making our contribution in combating disinformation and protecting democracy.

Draft Report.pdf

Adopted compromise amendments.pdf