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My plenary speech on Security in the Eastern Partnership

08. Juni 2022

Externer Inhalt: Youtube

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Dear President, Commissioner, dear colleagues,

Originally, the Eastern Partnership was created to extend a helping hand to our European neighbors in the east. To share with them European markets, values, and prosperity. To shape Europe of tomorrow together.

14 years later, we see that economic prosperity and democratic cooperation are fragile if they are not grounded on the fundamental concept of security.

While the Russian invasion of Ukraine brings only economic uncertainty into Western Europe, in the Eastern Partnership it causes fear of own survival. “If Ukraine falls, who will be the next?” – this is the question frequently asked by our Eastern neighbors.

Russia continues occupying Moldova and Georgia, it has captured Belarus, makes sure that Armenia and Azerbaijan remain enemies. Putin’s Russia is the main destabilizing factor in the region and beyond.

Europe will be peaceful only when every country on this continent can enjoy peace. This is // why the new European Security // should be designed with the Eastern Partnership in mind.

Thank you!