New Study on Corruption in International Sports
In the last decade, elite sport has lost much of its appeal and educational value.
The sports system is no longer primarily associated with its central promise of bringing people together to compete on a level playing field, but perceived as a rather toxic field where all sorts of corruption can thrive:
bribery and embezzlement, money laundering, ticket fraud, vote buying, vote rigging, abuse of power, and abuse of (child-)athletes or match-fixing.
None of this is new, but a shift in public awareness has taken place:
Rather than to push blame onto individuals (such as athletes caught in a doping test)
the crises are now being attributed to the top-administration, and the way it runs sport.
Elite athletes increasingly join the criticism, banding together in independent associations, because they feel exploited in an opaque system of which they are supposedly the heart.
All information on the new study, events, supporters and more can be found at