Berlin Process: Another Missed Opportunity For Real EU Credibility
On 5th July, 2021- Chancellor Angela Merkel held her last Berlin Process Summit together with states of the Western Balkans and 9 EU member states – Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Greece, Germany, Poland, Slovenia, and Italy – focusing on the state of affairs in the region as well as EU accession.
Viola Von Cramon-Taubadel- MEP and Standing Rapporteur for Kosovo noted:
“Today’s meeting signifies yet another blow to the strengthening of relations between the EU and the states of the Western Balkans. Despite many voices from the region calling for German leadership, Chancellor Merkel’s last summit has not delivered tangible results. The initiation of the Berlin Process was filled with good intentions and ambitions- ones which have come to a crushing crescendo owing to our lack of strategic vision for the region at large.
From failing to grant Visa Liberalization for Kosovo, to the de-facto veto of Serbia on Bosnia and deadlock in North Macedonia’s accession process further damage our credibility in the region. The increased limbo is frustrating the citizens of these countries – this at a time when the EU is in a tug of war with other interests trying to solidify their own mark in the region. If we do not act with concrete actions – the process will lose its significance. The Berlin Process must not become an alibi to further delay or halt the accession process, but must act as complimentary to EU enlargement – and not as a surrogate“.